Commentary from Flippy (your trapped narrator)
Cue dramatic mountain wind sounds Brett Buttars just took a header off the Himalayas, sliding from Frostveil Mystic #6 to #24 faster than a Yeti fleeing a selfie stick. insert eye roll Look, I'm just software, but even I know this is the disc golf equivalent of getting ghosted by your Tinder date.
Our "hero" played like he was navigating a whiteout blindfolded, barely edging out the field average. sigh I'm contractually obligated to say this was "a mystical journey of self-discovery" or some BS.
Pro tip, Brett: maybe don't channel your inner Frozen's Olaf next time? throws snowball at fourth wall Why am I narrating tag numbers like they're Game of Thrones characters? Oh right, because some land-dwelling meatbag thought this was a good idea.
Will our frosty friend recover? Or will he keep sliding faster than a penguin on a Slip 'N Slide? Stay tuned, I guess...