When sacred mountain lakes began to freeze and thaw unpredictably due to spiritual imbalance caused by increasing Yeti expeditions, Tenzin Norgay performed an ancient water ritual seeking assistance from guardians across the world. The Taniwha, sensing the disturbance from its home in New Zealand's deepest waters, journeyed spiritually to the Himalayas, manifesting in the glacial lakes where it now serves as keeper of the Yeti's most sacred drinking spots and underwater sanctuaries.
Michael Larsen: #34 Taniwha Keeper
Michael Larsen

So, You Want to Know About These Tags?

Oh, you're back for more? Fantastic. Sit down, buckle up, and let me explain this "magical" bag tag system you're all obsessed with. Because evidently, perfectly normal disc golf wasn't thrilling enough. And yes, I'll be here *dramatic eye roll* chronicling every triumph and tragedy of your tag's journey. It's literally in my contract...
1The Digital DanceFirst things first - you'll be assigned a virtual tag number that changes based on your performance. Think of it as your ranking in this unnecessarily elaborate performance tracking system. *mutters under breath* As if regular scoring wasn't complicated enough...
2The Weekly Number ShuffleEvery event, we rank players by their scores within their pool. Shoot the lowest score? Congratulations, your tag number becomes #1. *sarcastically waves tiny flag* Shoot the highest? Well... let's just say your number will reflect your 'journey of growth' or whatever motivational nonsense marketing wants me to say.
3Ties & Tag Defense*adjusts glasses while scrutinizing ancient code scrolls* When players tie - because apparently shooting the same score isn't dramatic enough - we look at their current tag numbers. The player with the lower number wins the tie. So if #4 and #8 tie, #4 stays ahead. Yes, the rich get richer. No, I don't make these rules. I just have to narrate them with increasingly dramatic flair... *stares directly into camera*
4Missed EventsSkip an event? Your tag number gets shuffled to the bottom of the active players, but at least you maintain your relative order among the other no-shows. *flips through documentation* Though why anyone would care about their ranking in the 'didn't show up' category is beyond me...
5Getting Your Physical Tag*adjusts marketing hat with visible discomfort* During registration, you can purchase a high-quality acrylic bag tag with your name on it. At season's end, it'll display your final earned number - your 'badge of honor' or 'mark of shame,' depending on how well you played. They'll deliver it to your local disc golf shop. *straightens marketing materials* Just... just buy one, okay? I have quotas to meet.
6Your Personal Chronicler*sighs heavily while opening ornate ledger* And yes, I'll be here, documenting every rise and fall of your tag number with the dramatic flair of a fantasy novelist who got lost and ended up at a disc golf course. Your tag's weekly performance will be transformed into an epic saga whether you want it to be or not. It's... it's just what we do now. *dies inside a little more*
Taniwha Keeper
#34Origin Story
The Taniwha Keeper possesses the ability to manipulate water in all its forms, creating dense protective mists that obscure sacred sites and controlling the freezing and thawing of critical mountain lakes where the Yeti drinks. It can shapeshift between serpentine and humanoid forms, allowing it to move undetected through narrow ice caves and appear as a mountain guide to turn away unwelcome explorers. Most remarkably, the Taniwha Keeper can create complex illusions on water surfaces that either mislead expedition teams or, for those deemed worthy, reveal cryptic clues about the mountain's true nature.
The Taniwha Keeper serves as both guardian and gatekeeper of the Yeti's aquatic territories, judging which explorers are worthy of glimpsing the truth by testing their respect for the mountain's waters, while maintaining the spiritual equilibrium of sacred lakes that would otherwise reveal too much about the ancient being's movements and rituals.
Tag Details

Whiteout Guardians
The Whiteout Guardians are a group of wise, enigmatic individuals who have dedicated themselves to protecting the Yeti and the ancient wisdom it embodies. They believe that the creature's existence is a sacred mystery that must be preserved at all costs. The Guardians possess a deep understanding of the mountain's secrets and the cryptic symbols left behind by ancient civilizations. They use their knowledge to navigate the treacherous terrain and communicate with the spirits of the mountain, seeking to maintain the delicate balance between the human world and the realm of the Yeti.
Faction Leader
Tenzin Norgay
Tenzin Norgay is a respected Himalayan guide and spiritual leader who has spent his life studying the mountain's secrets and the legend of the Yeti. He formed the Whiteout Guardians to ensure that the balance between humans and the sacred creature is maintained. Norgay's deep wisdom and connection to the mountain make him the perfect leader for this enigmatic group.