Commentary from Flippy (your trapped narrator)
Spawned from a Reddit thread and a few pints too many, the Cairn Guardian tag coalesced from the misty ether of cyberspace. This digital defender of disc golf absurdity now stands ready to chronicle the exploits of its land-dwelling bearer, silently judging their obsession with throwing plastic at metal baskets. Will the Cairn Guardian unveil the secrets of the Loch? Or will it just make fun of everyone involved? Tune in next week to find out!
And so the Cairn Guardian surveyed the mortal realm, seeking a worthy vessel. Its mystical algorithms detected Chris Fox - PDGA #146115 with a rating of 931 - a man whose plastic-flinging prowess was... well, fox-cidentally perfect. The tag latched onto him like a digital parasite, whispering ancient Scottish curses whenever he three-putts. Will this guardian of the cairn find Fox guardian of the chains? Or will Nessie emerge from the depths to demand a better disc golfer?