Cody Titcomb: #6 Forest Keeper


Cody Titcomb

PDGA Rating 0
Division MA3
Events Played 1
Cody Titcomb
Pool Emblem Forest Keeper

Golem Chronicles: Unleashed @ Art Dye

Golem Guardians Emblem
Mar 07 - Apr 25, 2025
Averaged a 852 rating
#6 Forest Keeper
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So, You Want to Know About These Tags?
*aggressively taps microphone while glaring at camera*

Oh, you're back for more? Fantastic. Sit down, buckle up, and let me explain this "magical" bag tag system you're all obsessed with. Because evidently, perfectly normal disc golf wasn't thrilling enough. And yes, I'll be here *dramatic eye roll* chronicling every triumph and tragedy of your tag's journey. It's literally in my contract...

  1. 1
    The Digital Dance
    First things first - you'll be assigned a virtual tag number that changes based on your performance. Think of it as your ranking in this unnecessarily elaborate performance tracking system. *mutters under breath* As if regular scoring wasn't complicated enough...
  2. 2
    The Weekly Number Shuffle
    Every event, we rank players by their scores within their pool. Shoot the lowest score? Congratulations, your tag number becomes #1. *sarcastically waves tiny flag* Shoot the highest? Well... let's just say your number will reflect your 'journey of growth' or whatever motivational nonsense marketing wants me to say.
  3. 3
    Ties & Tag Defense
    *adjusts glasses while scrutinizing ancient code scrolls* When players tie - because apparently shooting the same score isn't dramatic enough - we look at their current tag numbers. The player with the lower number wins the tie. So if #4 and #8 tie, #4 stays ahead. Yes, the rich get richer. No, I don't make these rules. I just have to narrate them with increasingly dramatic flair... *stares directly into camera*
  4. 4
    Missed Events
    Skip an event? Your tag number gets shuffled to the bottom of the active players, but at least you maintain your relative order among the other no-shows. *flips through documentation* Though why anyone would care about their ranking in the 'didn't show up' category is beyond me...
  5. 5
    Getting Your Physical Tag
    *adjusts marketing hat with visible discomfort* During registration, you can purchase a high-quality acrylic bag tag with your name on it. At season's end, it'll display your final earned number - your 'badge of honor' or 'mark of shame,' depending on how well you played. They'll deliver it to your local disc golf shop. *straightens marketing materials* Just... just buy one, okay? I have quotas to meet.
  6. 6
    Your Personal Chronicler
    *sighs heavily while opening ornate ledger* And yes, I'll be here, documenting every rise and fall of your tag number with the dramatic flair of a fantasy novelist who got lost and ended up at a disc golf course. Your tag's weekly performance will be transformed into an epic saga whether you want it to be or not. It's... it's just what we do now. *dies inside a little more*

Forest Keeper


Origin Story

The Forest Keeper was born from the ancient Jewish community's prayers for protection, manifesting as a guardian spirit in the dark forests surrounding their village. Over centuries, it has evolved into a powerful entity, blending the essence of the forest with the sacred energy of the Golem, becoming a symbol of the community's enduring legacy.


The Forest Keeper possesses the ability to manipulate the forest's growth, creating natural barriers and pathways to protect the Golem's resting place. It can communicate with the trees and animals, using them as scouts and allies. Its form is semi-corporeal, allowing it to blend seamlessly with the forest, making it nearly invisible to intruders.


The Forest Keeper serves as a mystical protector of the dark forests and crumbling ruins where the Golem's secrets are hidden. It ensures that the balance between the Golem's power and the safety of the region is maintained, acting as a guardian against those who seek to exploit or destroy the Golem.

Tag Details

Pool Golem Guardians
Golem Guardians faction symbol

Golem Guardians

The Golem Guardians are a faction dedicated to protecting the ancient Golem and the Jewish community it was created to defend. They believe in the Golem's sacred purpose and seek to uncover the truth behind its creation while preserving the creature's legacy. The Guardians work tirelessly to maintain the delicate balance between the Golem's power and the safety of the region.

Faction Leader

Ezra Katz

Ezra Katz is a descendant of the ancient Jewish community protected by the Golem. Raised on stories of the creature's sacred purpose, Ezra has dedicated his life to safeguarding the Golem and the community's legacy. He is a wise and compassionate leader, guided by a deep understanding of the Golem's importance and the need to maintain the balance of power in the region.




MA40 FA40 MA3 MA4 FA1 FA2 FA3 FA4 MA50 MA60 MJ18 FJ18 MJ15 FJ15

Tag History

Origin Story