
Pin hunter award

Celebrates excellence in CTP (Closest to Pin) competitions, recognizing elite shots, successful flag movements, and consistency

Scoring System

Recognizes CTP excellence across multiple dimensions. Minimum 3 events played.
1. Flag Movements and CTP Quality (0-150 points) • Unbeatable CTP (no movements) = 50 points • Base movement = 15 points per event • Quality movement bonus = 10 points × (movements beaten) • Circle 1 bonus = 5 points × (movements beaten) • Winning movement = 50% bonus • Example Moving flag twice in event = 15 + (10 × 1) = 25 points
2. CTP Wins (0-100 points) • Win = 25 points each • Consecutive wins = +5 bonus each • Example 3 wins (2 consecutive) = 85 points
3. Participation (0-50 points) • 5 points per event, capped at 50 • Example 8 events = 40 points
4. Perfect Shots (25 points each) • Parked shots = 25 points • Aces = 35 points • Circle 1 = 15 points
5. Field Size (0-50 points) • 3 points per average competitor • Example avg 12 players = 36 points
6. Distance Bonus (0-100 points) • Points scale with hole length
200-299ft = 10pts
300-399ft = 20pts
400-499ft = 30pts
500ft+ = 40pts
7. Earnings Bonus (0-50 points) • 1 point per $3 won • Example $150 won = 50 points
Current Status

The Pin Hunter race begins with the gears of competition just starting to turn. Eric Pearson MA3 leads the pack, but the clockwork of excellence is yet to fully engage. Precision and potential await as the season unfolds.


As the gears of the Pin Hunter competition begin to turn, we find ourselves at the dawn of a new season. Eric Pearson MA3 has taken the first position, but like a clock freshly wound, the true potential of this race is yet to be realized. The players, like finely crafted gears, are poised to engage, each with the potential to drive the machine of competition forward. As the season progresses, we will see who can maintain the precision and patience required to excel in the CTP challenges. The clock is ticking, and the race for Pin Hunter glory has just begun.

The Engraved Gears Standings
as of Jan 15, 2025
Rank Player Trend Progress
1 ↑998
First week tracking progress
2 ↑997
First week tracking progress
3 ↑996
First week tracking progress
4 ↑995
First week tracking progress
5 ↑994
First week tracking progress
6 ↑993
First week tracking progress
7 ↑992
First week tracking progress
8 ↑991
First week tracking progress
9 ↑990
First week tracking progress
10 ↑989
First week tracking progress
11 ↑988
First week tracking progress
12 ↑987
First week tracking progress
13 ↑986
First week tracking progress
14 ↑985
First week tracking progress
15 ↑984
First week tracking progress