Jake LaPutka #52776

Phoenix Rising @ Dow James

Wielding the power of Emberclaw Seeker (#1), Jake demonstrated exceptional skill by playing +15 points above their rating in this epic clash.
Ashes Ascending

Commentary from Flippy (your trapped narrator)
Ashes Ascending
The wind at Dow James disc golf course had always been predictable—until today. Jake LaPutka watched in silent fascination as scattered ashes moved against the breeze, forming intricate spiral patterns across the dewy morning grass. While other players dismissed it as an optical illusion, Jake couldn't tear his eyes away from the mesmerizing dance.
"You see it too, don't you?"
Jake startled, turning to find a woman he'd never seen before standing beside him. She wore weathered hiking attire adorned with subtle ember-colored embroidery, her eyes reflecting the same amber glow as the swirling ashes.
Aria Emberheart studied him with quiet intensity. "The Phoenix calls to those who can aid its rebirth. Its ashes seek those with the sight."
"I'm just here to play disc golf," Jake replied, trying to sound casual despite the goosebumps rising on his arms. "I don't know anything about any phoenix."
A smile touched Aria's lips. "And yet its ashes seek you, Jake LaPutka."
The fact that she knew his name should have been alarming, but somehow it felt right—inevitable, even. Before he could respond, the ashes between them rose suddenly, swirling into a miniature cyclone before dispersing toward the first tee pad.
"The time has come," Aria announced, her voice carrying across the course as players gathered for the morning round. "The Phoenix cycle begins anew."
As players assembled, Aria stood before them, her presence commanding attention despite her calm demeanor. The morning sun caught the amber pendant at her throat, casting fiery reflections across the gathering.
"For centuries, the Phoenix has followed its eternal cycle—life, death, and rebirth through sacred flame," she began, her voice carrying the weight of ancient knowledge. "Today, its ashes have awakened, seeking those who will guide it toward rebirth."
From the edge of the crowd, a tall figure draped in shadow stepped forward. Zephyr Shadowcloak moved with unsettling grace, the air around them seeming to dim slightly.
"And what Aria neglects to mention," Zephyr's voice cut through the morning air like obsidian, "is the destruction that follows each attempted rebirth. The scorched earth. The civilizations lost."
Murmurs rippled through the crowd. Zephyr produced an ancient-looking scroll, unfurling it to reveal charred edges and faded illustrations of devastation.
"The Phoenix's rebirth is not some mystical blessing," they continued, silver eyes scanning the crowd. "It is cataclysm. Fire unleashed. Order consumed by chaos."
Jake felt a strange heat building in his chest as Zephyr spoke—not anger, but something more primal. Without thinking, he stepped forward.
"If the Phoenix is so dangerous," he heard himself saying, "why are you here trying to stop it? Why not just stay away?"
All eyes turned to him. The heat in his chest intensified, and for a moment, Jake swore he could see ember-like trails following the movement of his hands.
Zephyr's gaze locked onto Jake, their expression unreadable. "Because some of us remember the cost of the last cycle. Some of us bear the responsibility to prevent it."
"The Phoenix brings renewal, not just destruction," Aria countered, moving to stand beside Jake. "Life cannot exist without change. The old must give way to the new."
"And those who choose to follow the ashes," she continued, extending her hand toward the scattered players, "will become the Ashen Pilgrims, guardians of the rebirth cycle."
Several players moved to stand with Aria and Jake, while others drifted toward Zephyr, forming the Obsidian Sentinels. Some remained undecided, watching the division with uncertainty.
"The prophecy begins today," Aria announced. "The Phoenix's ashes will guide us to the first sacred site. Through the trials of disc and spirit, we will awaken what sleeps."
The round began with tension hanging in the air as thick as the morning mist. Jake found himself on the card with Aria and two other players who had joined the Ashen Pilgrims. As they approached the first tee, Jake noticed the ashes had formed a distinct pattern along the fairway—one that seemed to suggest an unusual line to the basket.
"Trust what you see," Aria said quietly as Jake selected a disc.
He hesitated, then reached for his trusted driver. The moment his fingers touched the plastic, a strange sensation coursed through his arm—a warmth that felt both foreign and familiar.
Aria nodded in approval. "The Emberclaw Seeker awakens."
"The what?" Jake asked, but she merely gestured toward the tee pad.
Taking his position, Jake focused on the line revealed by the ashes. It wasn't the conventional play—it cut dangerously close to a stand of trees before curving sharply toward the basket. Every instinct from his years of disc golf told him it was impossible.
He threw anyway.
The disc left his hand and—to his astonishment—trailed faint embers visible only to him and, judging by her smile, to Aria. It followed the exact path the ashes had revealed, weaving through impossible gaps in the trees before settling gently next to the basket.
"What just happened?" he whispered as they walked down the fairway.
"The Emberclaw Seeker guides those who can perceive the Phoenix's path," Aria explained. "It's been waiting for someone like you—a pathfinder."
Jake examined his hand, half-expecting to see it glowing. "And these... ember trails?"
"The mark of your awakening. The Emberclaw Seeker has chosen you as its vessel."
As they approached his disc, Jake noticed something had changed. Where once there had been plain plastic, now subtle patterns swirled beneath the surface—patterns that resembled flames and talons.
By the fifth hole, word had spread of Jake's impossible shots. Each throw he made left ember trails visible to the Ashen Pilgrims, revealing hidden lines and opportunities that conventional disc golf wisdom would have deemed impossible.
On the seventh hole, they encountered Zephyr's card. The leader of the Obsidian Sentinels observed Jake with calculated interest.
"The Emberclaw manifests," Zephyr remarked coolly. "Interesting choice, Aria. A novice vessel for such power."
"I didn't choose him," Aria replied. "The Phoenix did."
Zephyr turned to Jake. "Did she tell you what happened to the last Emberclaw vessel? How they burned from within when the Phoenix failed to rise?"
Jake felt his confidence waver. "What do you mean?"
"The Phoenix has attempted rebirth many times, each ending in failure and destruction," Zephyr explained, producing an ancient stone tablet etched with images of human figures consumed by flame. "Those who serve as vessels suffer the most."
"Half-truths and fear," Aria interjected. "The cycle only fails when interfered with—when those who fear change prevent the natural order."
Jake looked between them, sensing a deeper history than either was revealing. "You two know each other, don't you? Before all this."
A heavy silence fell. Something unspoken passed between Aria and Zephyr—regret, perhaps, or old wounds reopened.
"We were both scholars of the Phoenix once," Aria finally admitted. "Until our paths diverged."
"Until you chose blind faith over evidence," Zephyr corrected. "The price was too high then, Aria. It remains too high now."
They moved on, but Jake couldn't shake the feeling that he'd glimpsed something profound—a personal conflict that mirrored the larger battle between renewal and preservation.
As the round progressed, Jake's connection to the Emberclaw Seeker strengthened. By the back nine, he could sense the presence of Phoenix ashes without seeing them, feeling drawn to specific locations around the course.
On the fourteenth hole, his disc's ember trail suddenly flared brighter than before, illuminating a hidden symbol carved into an ancient oak tree. The symbol—a spiral surrounded by flame-like patterns—began to glow in response.
Jake approached it cautiously. "Aria, what is this?"
She joined him, eyes wide with excitement. "The first marker of the sacred site. The prophecy spoke of this—'Where embers meet ancient wood, the first key turns.'"
Other Ashen Pilgrims gathered around as Aria traced the symbol with her finger. The carved lines began to glow more intensely.
"There should be four more," she explained. "The elements must be awakened in sequence—fire, water, earth, air."
Jake felt a strange pull toward the northwest corner of the course. "There," he said with unexpected certainty. "The next one is near water."
As they moved to follow Jake's guidance, Zephyr and several Obsidian Sentinels blocked their path.
"You risk everything for a myth," Zephyr warned. "Stop this now, before the pattern is set in motion."
Aria stepped forward. "The Phoenix will rise, with or without your blessing, Zephyr. Better to guide its rebirth than fear it."
"Then you leave us no choice," Zephyr replied. "The Obsidian Sentinels will prevent this folly, by any means necessary."
What followed was unlike any disc golf competition Jake had ever witnessed. Both factions raced to complete the remaining holes, each throw now laden with purpose beyond the game. The Ashen Pilgrims sought to locate the remaining elemental markers, while the Obsidian Sentinels attempted to disrupt their efforts.
Jake found himself at the center of it all, the Emberclaw Seeker's power flowing through him with increasing strength. Each throw revealed more of the path, each ember trail burning brighter than the last.
The final hole brought them to a small clearing surrounded by ancient stones. Here, the ashes had gathered in greater concentration, swirling gently above the ground. Four symbols now glowed around the perimeter—fire, water, earth, and air—activated by the Ashen Pilgrims despite the Sentinels' interference.
"The sacred site awakens," Aria announced, her voice carrying a hint of triumph. "The first step on the path to rebirth."
Jake stood at the center, the Emberclaw Seeker's presence now a tangible heat surrounding him. When he reached for his final disc, the plastic seemed to shift beneath his touch, temporarily taking on the appearance of talons wrapped around the rim.
Zephyr made one last attempt to intervene. "Stop this, Jake. You don't understand what you're being used to unleash."
But Jake had made his choice. With perfect form, he released his disc directly upward instead of toward the basket. It spiraled into the sky, leaving a brilliant trail of embers that connected the four elemental symbols in a complex pattern.
As the disc reached its apex, it burst into harmless flames that scattered new ashes across the sacred site. The ground beneath them trembled slightly, and for a brief moment, the ghostly image of a bird formed in the air—wings spread, head raised in defiance.
Then it was gone, leaving only a tangible sense of change and a small object glittering in the center of the clearing.
Jake approached and picked it up—a small, feather-shaped amulet that radiated warmth. As his fingers closed around it, knowledge flooded his mind—images of the next sacred site, surrounded by water.
Aria addressed the assembled players, her voice filled with renewed purpose. "The Phoenix has shown us the first step. Its ashes have accepted our aid." She turned to Jake. "And it has chosen its pathfinder."
Jake looked down at his disc, now permanently transformed. Emblazoned across its surface was the image of a talon surrounded by embers, and the words "Emberclaw Seeker" had appeared along the rim.
Zephyr and the Obsidian Sentinels withdrew, but not before their leader cast one final warning. "You've set the cycle in motion, but it isn't too late to stop what comes next. Remember that when you stand before the waters of truth."
As the sun began to set, Jake felt the weight of his new role settling upon him. The Emberclaw Seeker's power hummed within, both comforting and terrifying in its potential.
"What happens now?" he asked Aria as the other players dispersed.
She smiled, gesturing to the faint trail of ashes now leading away from the course—pointing toward the next destination.
"Now," she said, "we follow the embers."
Flippy's Hot Take