Commentary from Flippy (your trapped narrator)
Born from the primordial mist of a vape cloud at a Sasquatch-themed rave, the Veilbound Serpent slithered into existence when a DJ dropped the bass too hard. Its shimmering scales? Just glitter from a 90s rave kit. Legend says it still vibes to Daft Punk. Why are we like this?
As the Veilbound Serpent emerged from its glittery haze, it sensed a worthy bearer. Hannah Hunter, PDGA #214268, was mid-putt when the tag struck, drawn to her like a moth to a glow stick. "You shall be my first," it hissed, "for your backhand is as smooth as my scales." But can she handle the pressure of being the Serpent's chosen one, or will she choke like a disc in a tree?